The Gaza Strip has a high proportion of people with disabilities compared to its population rate. In the Gaza Strip, around 128 thousand individuals suffer from at least one disability, which constitutes 6.8% of the population. They are often likely to be among the poorest and the most marginalized groups of the population. The big problem that people with disability may face is how to reach their destinations. Most of them do not continue their study since they face transportations problems. Due to the lack of transportations provided to disabled people, the Benevolent Society for Disabled has started the Outreach Programme to help disabled people reach their destinations. The programme provides transportation for around 135 persons including university students, school kids, employees and workers who could not reach their educational institutions and work place. It provides a vital lifeline for them to access employment, education, healthcare, and community life. The programme started with two vehicles then after many stages they became 10 vehicles transporting 135 disabled people classified into; 38 physically disabled people, 10 deaf people, 49 visually impaired individuals, 12 people with Cerebral Palsy and 26 Autism patients. All regions of the Gaza Strip are covered in this programme including the north of Gaza, Gaza, Middle area, Khanyunis and Rafah Governorates.